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Contact Details

Don Carbone, CFE, CIE, AFAF, ARE, IR, AMCM
Financial Regulation Director
419 South 2nd Street
New Market, Suite 206
Philadelphia, PA 19147
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Mr. Carbone serves as a Financial Regulation Director at The INS Companies. He is responsible for supervising examinations. In addition, he participates as a subject matter expert in the areas of risk-focused surveillance examinations, statutory accounting principles, reinsurance, holding company transactions, ORSA, cybersecurity, forensic accounting, and captives. 

Mr. Carbone is a former Principal Insurance Examiner with the New York State Insurance Department. During his tenure with the Department, he supervised statutory financial examinations of all types of insurance companies as well as HMO’s. Mr. Carbone has a wealth of knowledge of the insurance industry, especially in the area of insurance company operations. He represented the New York State Insurance Department at the NAIC on various committees, task forces, and working groups. Of note was his contribution to the NAIC’s Financial Analysis Working Group, where he served as a member for twelve years. Mr. Carbone is the Financial Section Chairperson of IRES and is the recipient of the 2012 Al Greer Award for his outstanding contribution to IRES.

General Inquiries

Contact Us: 215.625.2927

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