The INS Companies, a group of regulatory consulting firms, consists of over 200 regulatory professionals dedicated to assisting regulators exclusively since 1987. The INS Companies provide assistance and consultation to regulators in virtually all areas of regulation. We have earned a national reputation for excellence in both client responsiveness and work product. The INS Companies are well known, well established, and well respected within the regulatory and industry communities. The firm is also an active participant in the NAIC, SOFE, and IRES. The INS Companies, immersed in tradition and excellence, team with regulators for long-term client success.
The INS Companies take great pride in our work. Our professionals possess all of the requisite background and experience necessary to provide outstanding service to our regulatory clients. Our team is comprised of individuals possessing a vast array of professional designations, including but not limited to AFE, CFE, CPA, CIA, ACI, FLMI, AIE, CIE, MCM, AMCM, HIA, AES, CISA, CISSP, CISM, ARe, ACAS, FCAS, ASA, FSA, and MAAA. We have also developed strategic partnerships with subject matter experts in the areas of complex reinvestments and healthcare.