John R. Pedrick, FCAS, MAAA
Contact Details

- Position:
- Chief Property/Casualty Actuary
- Address
419 South 2nd Street
New Market, Suite 206
Philadelphia, PA 19147 -
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- Biography
Mr. Pedrick is the Chief Property/Casualty Actuary. He first joined INS in 2013 for two years and returned in 2018. He leads the INS property/casualty actuarial team, assigns and participates in all work, including risk-focused examinations, rate and rule filing reviews, captive examinations, captive application reviews, and various special projects.
Mr. Pedrick has over thirty-five years of experience as a property/casualty actuary. He has an extensive background in all major lines of property/casualty insurance, product and rate regulation, product management, and regulatory policy.
Mr. Pedrick served under four successive Directors of the Ohio Department of Insurance over the course of twelve years, rising to the position of Assistant Director. He was active on several NAIC committees, task forces, and working groups. Subsequently, he became the first Chief Actuarial Officer for the Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation as it underwent governance and actuarial reforms. His career also includes roles as Assistant Vice President for State Relations at the Insurance Services Office, Inc., and Vice President of Actuarial Services at the Pennsylvania and Delaware Compensation Rating Bureaus. Over the course of his career, he has held actuarial positions with two large multi-line insurance groups and a mid-sized personal lines insurance group.
Mr. Pedrick earned a B.A. in Mathematics at West Chester University, is a fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society and a member of the American Academy of Actuaries. He actively serves the actuarial profession by participating on, and occasionally chairing, several committees for those professional organizations.
General Inquiries
Contact Us: 215.625.2927